The music of the New York band Liars changes with every record. From post-punk to krautrock and from prog to electronics. The will to be a musical chameleon can also be paralyzing. At the time of the record (2012) the band tried to make music with new laptops on their lap and manuals in hand. The spontaneity of the album was seriously affected. That had to change and during the session of successor
… (2014) the trio again tried the passion of their debut (2002). She has succeeded reasonably well with the top-heavy Mess. The first batch of numbers are the fastest and the busiest. Later the inspiration decreases and the space increases. The music, strongly smelling of European house, gets better as the energy seems to fade away. The singing of Angus Andrew - not the strongest point in this electropop version of Liars - gains momentum at those moments and is thus more convincing. With the more playful Mess, Liars has again undergone a nicely unpacked transformation. (JE)more