For a long time it seemed that the Brazilian Maria Rita Mariano would not follow in the footsteps of her mother - singer Elis Regina. She chose New York's anonymity over the pressures of life as "the daughter of ...". When she returns from the Grote Appel with her diploma in her pocket, she first starts working as a journalist for a teen magazine. But the will to sing, which she says she has cherished
… since she was fourteen, is greater than the fear of not being able to escape from her mother's shadow. In 2003 her debut album, entitled Maria Rita, is released. It hit like a bomb and was awarded two Latin Grammy Awards. The successor Segundo follows the same recipe, of which jazz and bossa nova are the main ingredients. It was recorded in one go and dedicated to her musical mentor Tom Capone, who died in a motorcycle accident after the Grammy gala. (MH)more