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Alberto Mesirca

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Information sur l'artiste

Né à :Galliera Veneta,
Année de naissance :1984


(source : Wikipédia)

Alberto Mesirca (1984) is a guitarist from Italy.
Grandson of the Paduan writer Giuseppe Mesirca, winner of the Campiello Prize, he graduated at the Conservatory of Castelfranco Veneto (teacher: Granfranco Volpato) with the highest score and honor mention; successively he made his Konzert-Examen at the Musikakademie of Kassel (teacher: Wolfgang Lendle), ending it with honor mention.
He won the “Golden Guitar” at the International Guitar Meeting of Alessandria, “Pittaluga” (member of the WFIMC) in 2007 for best... plus

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