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    Songs of the western australian desert aborigines Australian Aborigines


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Songs of the western australian desert aborigines

  • Australian Aborigines
Catalog no.:KL00195
Product:1 LP
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  • 1
    Kangaroo cycle songs
  • 2
    Kangaroo cycle dance songs
  • 3
    Kangaroo cycle bloodletting songs
  • 4
    Kangaroo and dingo songs
  • 5
    Women's sacred songs
  • 6
    Wati kutjara
  • 7
    Rain making songs
  • 8
    Tingari cycle songs
  • 9
    Tingari cycle songs for novices
  • 10
    Women's grievance songs
  • 11
    Women's sacred songs
  • 12
    Kangaroo cycle songs for dancing
  • 13
    Kangaroo cycle songs for novices
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    Kangaroo cycle dance song (mimicry)

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