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Searching for sugar man [documentaire]

Catalog no.:JKD6833
Product:1 DVD video
Order info:
Sound format:Dolby 5.0/5.1
DVD Region:
  • Region 2 (Europe, The Netherlands)
TV standard:
  • PAL
  • Color
Listing status:
Released:January 2013
Total playing time:2:02:01
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(This text has been automatically translated by Google translate)
The superlatives ('Film of the year', 'The greatest documentary ever made') are already screaming at you from the DVD cover. Go ahead, a film about the obscure singer / songwriter Sixto Rodriguez whose life story has long been known: in the early seventies he made two beautiful albums, both records flopped in his own America, but were picked up in South Africa where he - without him knew that -more

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30 seconds audio clips


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