Jimmy LaFave has been working on the road for twenty-five years and is thus able to attract a growing number of American lovers, also in the Netherlands. In recent years, the Austin songwriter has been given a big boost from Johan Derksen. Mr. Voetbal International 'leaves no stage unused to stick a proverbial feather in the butt at LaFave. Derksen is definitely in his element with The Night Tribe,
… because the modest craftsman LaFave just does what he is good at on this album. With his aged voice he serves melancholic songs in which pleasant echoes of his heroes (Springsteen, Dylan, Neil Young) resound. LaFave, who is almost in his sixties, has a lived-in voice but plays his songs with a pleasant kind of nonchalance, culminating in the strong title track. The Night Tribe hardly surprises, but also does not disappoint. (PdK)more