The Killers seem to want to distance themselves from their indie rock past with every album. Of course, a lot has changed in the eight years since the and post-punk-filled debut (2004). Just as that album fitted in perfectly with the zeitgeist, the fourth CD
Battle Born also makes a bid for the sound of 2012. For this singer his songs even bigger and smoother than on predecessor Day & Age
… (2008). The nothing-to-the-hand songs are blown up to incredible proportions with a lot of bombast. Kind of like the music could make if Freddie were still alive. Or Meatloaf if he weren't polishing for the fifth time .Battle Born is really the kind of record that your neighbors put on at high volume, because they can sing along so well. The songs are sometimes as light as a feather in composition, but still impressive due to the production and characteristic grandeur of Flowers. That is where the power of The Killers lies and that is what makes the band so special. (JE)more