The American singer / songwriter Tom Waits has been regarded as one of the most influential pop musicians since the 1970s. His music is difficult to fathom and is a mixture of American and European styles such as jazz, blues, cabaret and classical music. When the word came in 2002 that he wanted to release two albums at the same time, everyone thought that was foolish and commercially irresponsible.
However, it is understandable, because the albums Alice and Blood Money have a lot in common. The albums are both based on plays by Robert Wilson and the songs have been shelved for several years in both cases. However, there are also differences, both in terms of music and atmosphere. Where Blood Money sounds pretty gloomy and melancholic, Alice looks a bit more cheerful and light. The original 1992 play was about the relationship writer Lewis Carroll is said to have had with the girl who would later become the main character in Alice In Wonderland. It's a rather surreal story and that's what the CD sounds like. Waits sings a number of sensitive love ballads with his special voice, but for variety there are also some cheerful waltzes. This is a typical CD that you have to hear late at night with the lights off and a good glass within reach. Alice is another high point in Tom Waits' career. (MvP) This is a typical CD that you have to hear late at night with the lights off and a good glass within reach. Alice is a new high point in Tom Waits's career. (MvP) This is a typical CD that you have to hear late at night with the lights off and a good glass within reach. Alice is another high point in Tom Waits' career. (MvP)more