The comedian Freek de Jonge may have celebrated his sixtieth birthday on August 30, 2004, but he was far from old and tired. On the contrary. Just as he climbed the Alpe d'Huez on his racing bike at the age of 58, he also wanted to go to the extreme in the field of theater and exceed his limits with the project De Vergrijzing: bringing a different show every week for 15 weeks with the motto 'more
… theater , less cabaret '. The shows were fleetingly rehearsed pamphlets without a strict format, in which De Jonge gave his vision of society and current events through contemplative stories / monologues. Freek's wife Hella was responsible for the design (lighting, decor) and production and Robert Jan Stips, former keyboardist of The Nits, was responsible for the music. The DVD box De Aging (6 DVDs! ) shows what a mega performance Freek, Hella and their team have achieved. Including extensive interviews with both Freek and Hella and a beautifully illustrated booklet. Worth mentioning are the episodes: Mortality Scene (with Theo Maassen), Christmas Movie From A Clown and Dutch Hope In Memoriam with guest musicians Bart Peeters, Jan de Hont, Thé Lau, Stef Bos, Huub van der Lubbe, Frank Boeijen, Jenny Arean, Boudewijn de Groot. (SvdP)more