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    Mas no puede ser ; barocco español ; vol.1 , Al Ayre Español


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Mas no puede ser ; barocco español ; vol.1

    Catalog no.:DBX3293
    Product:1 compact disc
    Order info:
    Listing status:
    Released:January 1995
    Rec. technique:DDD
    Total playing time:1:10:07
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    (This text has been automatically translated by Google translate)
    Ensemble Al ayre espanol has plunged into the black music hole of 17th and 18th century Spain. There is more between Guerrero and Granados than was thought. The keyword in this era is Villancico. Originally, the villancico was a secular verse song. The religious villancicos, forbidden by the king in 1596, were nevertheless given a place in the liturgy. Later, the villancico was more and more focusedmore


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