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    Requiem : Messe de funérailles des ducs de Lorraine , Psallette de Lorraine



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Requiem : Messe de funérailles des ducs de Lorraine

Catalog no.:DBX3057
Product:1 compact disc
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Released:July 1994
Recording:Live 1993
Rec. technique:DDD
Total playing time:1:14:41
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(This text has been automatically translated by Google translate)
The first CD from this monthly selection contains much more than Charles d'Helfer's Missa pro defunctis. This setting of the Requiem text was first performed in Paris in 1656. It was the most successful work of this French composer, who wrote church music exclusively to Latin texts. A manuscript version from 1774 has survived. This is the only version on CD. However, the work here is part of amore


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