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    Je m'abandonne à vous : Airs sur des poésies de la comtesse de la Suze Marc Mauillon


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Je m'abandonne à vous : Airs sur des poésies de la comtesse de la Suze

    Catalog no.:DAX7669
    Product:2 compact discs
    Order info:
    Listing status:
    Released:June 2021
    Total playing time:1:50:00
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    (This text has been automatically translated by DeepL)
    At the age of 21, Henriette de Coligny (1623-1673) married for love, something that was not common at the time. After the death of her beloved husband, her mother forced her to marry Comte de La Suze in 1647. She did not resign herself to this. After a long procedure she managed to get a divorce in 1661. In her elegies and chansons (poems intended for music) she was no less strong-willed. She daredmore


    30 seconds audio clips

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