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    Complete organ works vol.5 ; complete organ works ; vol.5 , Ben van Oosten


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Complete organ works vol.5 ; complete organ works ; vol.5

Catalog no.:CLX1840
Product:1 compact disc
Order info:
  • MDG MDG 316 0405-2
Listing status:
Released:May 1996
Rec. technique:DDD
Total playing time:0:55:33
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(This text has been automatically translated by Google translate)
The Eighth Symphony (1887) is the most monumental work Charles-Marie Widor wrote for organ (1844-1937). In this fifty-minute work, Widor surpassed much of what he had developed in the preceding symphonies. According to Albert Schweitzer, a student of Widors, the "Eighth" also pointed to the sober and more distanced style of Widor's later symphonies. Widor's eighth symphony is played with great sensemore

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Cavaillé-Coll organ in Saint Ouen, Rouen


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