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    String quartets nos. 1, 10 & 17 ; vainberg ; vol.11 , Göteborg Kwartet


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String quartets nos. 1, 10 & 17 ; vainberg ; vol.11

Catalog no.:CHX1329
Product:1 compact disc
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Released:October 1997
Rec. technique:DDD
Total playing time:1:00:54
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(This text has been automatically translated by Google translate)
Writing string quartets seems serious business, but if you look through the correspondence of the Polish-Russian composer Vainberg (1919-1996) and his friend Dmitri Shostakovich, you occasionally get the impression that both gentlemen are only at stake in their exercises in this prestigious genre. for a competition, where it was about who would write the most. Vainberg eventually 'won', because withmore


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