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    Melancholy grace Jean Rondeau


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Melancholy grace

    Catalog no.:CAX16961
    Product:1 compact disc
    Order info:
    Listing status:
    Released:May 2021
    Total playing time:1:20:01
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    (This text has been automatically translated by DeepL)
    'Actually, all music from the beginning of modern times is a complaint.' This sigh of classicist Serenus Zeitblom (a character in Thomas Mann's Doctor Faustus) could have been the motto above this fine album by Jean Rondeau. The starting point (and closing song) is the famous Flow My Tears (Lachrimae) from 1596 by John Dowland. Who does not know the sad melody, which slides down like a tear andmore


    30 seconds audio clips

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