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Stylus fantasticus & the art of variation

Catalog no.:CAX12540
Product:1 compact disc
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Released:February 2012
Rec. technique:DDD
Total playing time:1:01:45
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(This text has been automatically translated by Google translate)
Frescobaldi was an early example of a composer who specialized in keyboard music. Nevertheless, his music was a melting pot of both vocal and instrumental. Flemish polyphony, madrigalesque twists, operatic declamations, whimsical Venetian toccatas, learned ricercari, popular dance music, church, pub and market square: these are the influences that Frescobaldi forged together into a virtuoso andmore

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Harpsichord anonymous (Italy, 17th century), copy by Michele Barchi (1994) ; Organ Giacomo Filippo Landesio 1750, Luserna San Giovanni (Torino)


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