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    Wind music from The Netherlands 4 ; wind music from the netherlands ; vol.4

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Wind music from The Netherlands 4 ; wind music from the netherlands ; vol.4

    Catalog no.:AFX2255
    Product:2 compact discs
    Order info:
    Listing status:
    Released:August 2001
    Rec. technique:DDD
    Total playing time:2:19:35
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    (This text has been automatically translated by Google translate)
    The fanfare plays an important role in Dutch music practice by amateurs. For example, the Frysk Fanfare Orchestra consists for the most part of good amateurs, with the addition of a few graduated conservatory students. The FFO won several first prizes, including the first prize of the World Music Competition 1985. The FFO can be heard on the fourth part of the series Wind Music from The Netherlands.more


    30 seconds audio clips

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