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Frauentöne ; frauentöne ; vol.1

    Catalog no.:AFX1272
    Product:1 compact disc
    Order info:
    Listing status:
    Released:May 1995
    Rec. technique:DDD
    Total playing time:1:02:13
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    (This text has been automatically translated by Google translate)
    The first volume of the series "Frauentöne" contains orchestral works by the composers Johanna Müller-Hermann (1868-1941), Maria Bach (1896-1978) and Mary Dickenson-Auner (1880-1965), performed by the Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra from the Czech Republic led by Manfred Müssauer. This CD once again proves that female composers have nothing to do with their male counterparts. The three composersmore


    30 seconds audio clips

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