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Percussion response with Ergodos I, 1964

Percussion response with Ergodos I, 1964

Percussion response with Ergodos I, 1964

Percussion response with Ergodos I, 1964

James Tenney (1934-2006)

Componist:James Tenney

(bron: wikipedia)

James Tenney (August 10, 1934 – August 24, 2006) was an American composer and music theorist. He made significant early musical contributions to plunderphonics, sound synthesis, algorithmic composition, process music, spectral music, microtonal music, and tuning systems including extended just intonation. His theoretical writings variously concern musical form, texture, timbre, consonance and dissonance, and harmonic perception.
James Tenney was born in Silver City, New Mexico, and grew up in Arizona and Colorado. He attended the University of Denver, the Juilliard... meer